Co-ordinated teamwork is the key to success
Specialisation, nomenclature, major achievements.
TEHNOLIT— a specialised plant for the production of components and spare parts for automotive tractor, road, railway, agricultural, construction and special machinery.
We produce a wide range of piston and sealing rings, cylinder liners, bushings, discs and other parts of the type of bodies of rotation for various purposes from special wear-resistant cast irons produced by a new method of casting “freezing”, for the development and industrial implementation of which we were awarded the State Prize in the field of science and technology.
The technology of casting by “freezing” is protected by copyright certificates and patents and provides previously unattainable plastic and wear-resistant properties of cast irons, which makes it possible to successfully replace alloyed steels and bronzes in critical components.
The quality management system of design and production is certified according to ISO 9001-2015 (No. BY/112 00129), occupational safety according to OHS 18001-2015.
Tehnolit is a registered trademark – a stork with a piston ring in its beak: the stork is a symbol of Belarus, and Tehnolit is the first company in Belarus specialising in the production of piston rings.
It was established in 1997, employs more than 600 people, the average age of employees is 35 years. The company has production buildings equipped with all types of modern metal-cutting equipment from global machine-tool companies: Mazak (Japan), DMG (Germany), Victor (Taiwan) and others. Technolit’s trademark is rightfully considered to be freeze casting, which has no analogues in the world.
Among the regular consumers of our products are JSC “Minsk Tractor Plant”, JSC “BelAZ”, JSC “MAZ”, JSC “Belarusian Railway”, JSC “MZKT”, JSC “Gomselmash”, JSC “Hydromash”, JSC “Borisov Plant of Aggregates”, PJSC “KAMAZ”, NPO Turbotekhnika, JSC Penzadieselmash, JSC Ural Compressor Plant, locomotive depots, tank repair, ship repair and other plants and repair enterprises in Belarus, Russia and other countries – a total of over 200 regular customers.
The company’s products have been recognised with numerous quality diplomas and customer commendations. Tehnolit has been repeatedly named the best enterprise of the city, region, Republic of Belarus in the sphere of industrial goods production.

Alexander Mikhailovich Bodiako
Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology
Candidate of Technical Sciences

Константин Бодяко

Андрей Бодяко

Виктор Бодяко

Денис Цейковец
"Don't do it unless you're sure you're doing it well" - A.M. Bodiako
The story of a scientist who built a knowledge-intensive, self-developing enterprise where the tone is set by unique technologies
How they created a company whose products are in demand by machine building giants